Practical Thoughts On Gift-giving From a Social Worker

Practical Thoughts On Gift-giving From a Social Worker

Do you know what your family really wants for Christmas this year? New underwear? A hand knit sweater made from alpaca hair? An earwax candle making kit? A toy that makes loud noises and has no volume control? No, no, no and definitely not!

What they would love more than anything is PEACE OF MIND.

They want to know that your funeral arrangements are made and your monument is already designed. Don’t allow death to be taboo in your family. Let your children and/or spouse know your wishes. Tell them in a note, a song, or even a funny dance that will be super embarrassing and make your grandchildren blush. Whatever you need to do, do not leave all of the planning up to them. Make your children feel guilty for not allowing you to give the grandkids candy, not for choosing the wrong color of monument. Life really is short. Prepare for death so your family can live at peace. Remember, if you leave it up to them, they just might pay you back by having your most embarrassing picture laser etched on the front of your headstone.

If you need any guidance or assistance on making arrangements, please feel free to call us or send Beth an email. We work with amazing funeral homes and cemeteries and can give you resources to ponder and plan.

Click Here to visit our Life and Love Program page or click here to email Beth.

Beth Morrison, LSW



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